On 21 May 1953 that President Dwight David Eisenhower issued the proclamation for Memorial Day.
He cited: “Whereas the bodies of our war dead lie buried in hallowed plots throughout the land….
Whereas it is fitting that, while remembering the sacrifices of our countrymen, we join in united prayers to Almighty God for peace on earth…
Whereas the Congress , in Joint resolution approved on May 11, 1950, provided that Memorial Day should henceforth be set aside as a day of prayer for permanent peace…..
…Let us make that day one of twofold dedication. Let us reverently honor those who have fallen in war, and rededicate ourselves through prayer to the cause of peace, to the end that the day may come when we shall never have another war—never another Unknown Soldier….”
As we take this day to reflect on the sacrifices that so many of our fellow service members have made for our freedom, please remember the many lost at Sea who are also still officially Missing In Action. Remember also those who later succumbed to the perils of war - chemical, physical, and psychological for they too gave ALL. We have served beside them and we will NEVER FORGET them or what they did for each or us; we honor their memory!
For the Good of the Order
Bob Whitkop, CAPT USN (Ret)
Commander General