As the New Year approaches, I would ask all of you to embrace our mission in new ways with new ideas for promoting and advancing Naval History. Getting back to more Face-to-Face meetings will make a huge difference in the social aspects of our Order. We are trying new things with the Technology available and can look at these new directions to advance the knowledge of our history, which if not held up for all to see is so easily forgotten. Our efforts for the Year will include improved communication, outreach to promote Naval History, and continuing to promote efforts to capture our own Oral Histories via whatever means available. You may even decide to join our current list of authors and write a book; it seems everybody else is!!
If you are not familiar with our Website, take a tour around…. you cannot break it and there is a ton of valuable information on what is happening throughout the Commanderies and regular efforts to promote History. Make recommendations on improvement and if you need some training on the technologies or user assistance, let us know.
Finally, as the end of the calendar year approaches, consider making a donation to the Order to promote our various activities: just hit one of the Donate buttons on the site and then decide which activities you would like to support. If distributing an IRA, make it a Qualified Charitable Donation (QCD)….your accountant can help.
To all a very Happy New Year and Best wishes for continued growth in our commitment to Naval History!!
For the Good of the Order