Naval Order of the United States
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Welcome to the Texas Commandery of the Naval Order website. Our Commandery meets approximately quarterly and our executive committee meets monthly to discuss upcoming events to understand how we may be able to better recognize our maritime history. We encourage our members to participate in these meetings and to get active in our programs and initiatives.
If interested in joining our Commandery, we encourage you to contact our Secretary / Recorder at tcnous@gmail.com.
We also invite you to visit our photos page, where we have posted photos from our various events.
Also, we welcome you to view our 2021 Battle of Midway Recognition event.
To preserve, promote, celebrate and enjoy our Nation’s Sea Service history and heritage. To accomplish this we will:
Commemorate American Sea Service Heroes and important historical events
Support the study of Naval History through writing, speaking and educational events
Preserve Sea Service historical artifacts, documents and monuments
Promote Camaraderie among our Companions and members of similar organizations
Commander: CAPT W.O. King, Jr., USN (ret)
Vice Commander: RADM Peter Andrus, USN (ret)
Secretary / Recorder: CDR Bob Frazier, USN (ret)
Surgeon: CAPT Joseph Dervay, USN (ret)
Historian: Mr. Donald M. Kehn, Jr.
Chaplain: CAPT Kerry Magee, USN (ret)
Public Affairs: Vacant
JAG: Vacant
Immediate Past Commander:
Mr. Steven K. Howell, USN (Vet)
Past Commanders:
CDR Bryan Lethcoe
CAPT Chuck Hewell
MM2(SS) Gilbert J. Raynor
CAPT Dave Burr
CDR Brian Klock
CAPT Kerry B Magee
CAPT Carl V. Ragsdale
CAPT Charles W. Andersen
CAPT Martin J. Block
CDR James B. Sterling Iii
CAPT Carter B. Conlin
CAPT George W. Holyfield
LCDR Clarke Coldren
CAPT Martine R. Myers
CAPT C. Dean Hill
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