Wallace Stewart
Wallace Stewart, Director of Education
Korean War Memorial Foundation
Learn more about the Inchon landing, specifically the use of Destroyers at Inchon. Wally is the Director of Education for the Korean War Memorial Foundation and uses his expertise as a former teacher to create lessons to teach high school students about the Korean War. He joined the United States Marine Corps Reserve while in high school. When the Korean War broke out, he left the reserves and reenlisted with the regular U.S. Marine Corps. He served in Baker Company 1st Battalion Marine Corps as a "Light Machine Gun Ammunition Carrier" and earned a Purple Heart for shrapnel wounds sustained. Read more about Wally here.
$45 per person at the door
Social Hour 11:00 a.m. and Luncheon at 12:00 p.m., followed by our speaker/presentation. Secure at 13:30. Guests are welcome.
The Italian Athletic Club is on Washington Square at 1630 Stockton St. (between Filbert and Union and near Columbus and Powell), San Francisco, (415) 781-0165
Please Call IAC for information about validated parking
For those of you who are unable to attend our In-Person meeting at the Italian Athletic Club, you may use the Zoom link to participate in the meeting.
The Zoom link should be open by 11:30 a.m.
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Passcode: 1776
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Meeting ID: 884 9463 0609
Passcode: 1776
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