LtCol Todd Mahar, USMC
LtCol Todd Mahar, USMC
Lieutenant Colonel Todd Mahar is a career Marine Corps Infantry Officer with operational experience in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. He has commanded at every rank from lieutenant to lieutenant colonel. His additional assignments include instructor duty, recruiting duty, and Military Aide to Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. He is currently a Hoover Institution National Security Affairs Fellow at Stanford University and is researching the US/Turkey relationship. His presentation will be on leadership before, during, and after crisis or tragedy.
1130 - Gather and Greet
1200 - Call to Order
· Pledge of Allegiance - CAPT Stan Ellexson
· Grace – LCDR Art Curtis, Commandery Chaplain
· Introduction of Flag Officers – Commandery Commander
· Introduction of Guests - SF Companions
· Medical Minute
· Historical Minute – CAPT Ken Hagan
· Membership Report – RADM Tom Andrews
1215 - Announcements – SF Companions
1220 - Lunch
1250 - Guest Speaker
1325 - Raffle
1330 – Adjourn