UPDATE 5 September 2017
Our scheduled speaker, Companion Dianne Levy, has called in sick, so we will defer her terrific presentation until later, when she's back up to speed.
CAPT Tom Snyder will stand in as her substitute with a short talk on the Navy's WW II hospitals in California. Surgeon General Ross McIntire was an administrative genius. Faced with a flood of navy and Marine casualties from the Pacific and the prospect of up to a million casualties should we have to invade the Japanese home islands, VADM McIntire came up with innovative ways to find rooms and beds. tarting with just 19 hospitals Navy-wide at the beginning of the war (one, at Cañacao in the Philippines, was overrun by the Japanese at the outset), he had 99 by war's end, no fewer than 14 of which were in California. e
This will be a short talk, so you should have lots of extra time to enjoy conversation with your table Companions.
TO BE RESCHEDULED: The Maritime Heritage Project
Our very own Companion Dianne Levy will talk about her maritimeheritage.org website and its development