Jacksonville, Florida
Naval Order of the United States
Join us for the 2024 CONGRESS in Buffalo, NY October 2024
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JAX 2017 NOUS Congress Summary
Remember the Sacrifices /Celebrate Freedom!!!!!
To preserve, promote, celebrate and enjoy our Nation’s Sea Service history and heritage. To accomplish this we will:
Commemorate American Sea Service Heroes and important historical events,
Support the study of Naval History through writing, speaking and educational events,
Preserve Sea Service historical artifacts, documents and monuments, and
Promote Camaraderie among our Companions and members of similar organizations
First Coast contact email is nousfc@gmail.com ; Like us on Twitter @nousfc
Visit our National Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/NavalOrderUnitedStates
Commander: CAPT Robert “Bob” Buehn, USN, (Ret)
Vice Commander - Vacant
Vice Commander - Programs: CAPT Pete Wynkoop, USN (Ret)
Vice Commander - Membership: CAPT Gregory F. Streeter, USN (Ret)
Vice Commander - Enlisted Affairs: ETCM (SW) John R. Craft, USN (Ret)
USS Stark Memorial: CAPT Pete Wynkoop, USN (Ret) / CAPT Ed Froelich, USN (Ret)
Treasurer: LCDR Frank Fenno, USN (Ret)
Asst Treasurer: CAPT Bob Whitkop, USN (Ret)
Chaplain: CDR Reverend Steven Souders, USN, CHC, (Ret)/ LT, USCG Aux
Historian: CAPT Edward Froelich, USN (Ret) / Dr Dick Murphy, PhD (Ret)
Immediate Past Commander: ETCM (SW) John R. Craft, USN (Ret)
Jacksonville Ship Museum Liaison: CAPT John E. O’Neil, Jr., USN (Ret) Past First Coast Commander
Commandery Advisory Council: RADM George Huchting, USN (Ret); CAPT Gregory F. Streeter, USN (Ret) Past Commander General NOUS; CAPT Michelle Lockwood, USN (Ret) Past Commander General NOUS
Commandery Companions: VADM Al Konetzni, USN (Ret); RADM Bill Merlin, USCG (Ret) Past Commander General NOUS; RADM Ron Fritzmeyer, USN (Ret); CAPT Jim Morgan, USN (Ret); CAPT Chuck Walker, USN (Ret), CAPT Ryan Tillotson, USN (Ret)
NOUS Florida First Coast Commandery Annual OPLAN 2024
Gather every Friday 0800 at Panera’s on 3rd St S Jacksonville Beach…..
1-6 2024 Congress: Buffalo NY
13 Knight’s Templar arrested on Fri the 13, 1307
18 Social - VUCB (Veterans’ United Craft Brewery), Western Way, 1530
6 Bi-Monthly Meeting of the Board of Directors and interested Companions. Location: Cypress Village Exec Dining Room 1100-1330.
All companions are invited.
7 Navy League Mayport Council Dinner, Guest Speaker, RDML Hewitt, CNRSE “The Navy In Jacksonville” 1800-2100,
Ocean Breeze Conference Center, NS Mayport FL
11 Veterans Day Ceremony, Beaches Veterans’ Memorial Park, Atlantic Beach
30 Jacksonville Light Parade Viewing w/ Fireworks. USS Orleck
30 Winter Newsletter Articles Closing Date. All articles due. Include Photographs!
7 Pearl Harbor Remembrance Dinner. 1730-2000
Installation of Officers. Location: Cypress Village Senior Center,. Egret Hall (ICW Navy League Mayport)
Speaker: TBD
For Info on any events call (904)442-6948 or e-mail: nousfc@gmail.com
Looking for Additional Inputs and ideas for 2024!!!
Commandery News
Help us bring attention to and restore the SS El Faro Memorial located at the Dames Point Memorial Park in Jacksonville. The El Faro was lost at sea Oct 1, 2015 during a hurricane north of Puerto Rico with all 33 souls onboard. The memorial keeps their memory alive. See the link below to donate to ththis and other efforts by the Commandery to preserve History!
The Navy History Command has produced a short video about the USS Stark (FFG-31) Attack as part of their display called “The History of the US Navy in 100 Objects”. Stark was homeported in Mayport FL and is remembered in a ceremony each May 17!
The Florida First Coast Commandery Welcomed the USS Orleck (DD-886) to downtown Jacksonville as a Museum Ship on 3/26/22. Congratulations to the Jacksonville Historic Naval Ship Association and in Particular our Companion CAPT John O’Neal (JHNSA Exec Dir) for the dedication and perseverance to make this happen!!!
USS Orleck is open for Visitors and Events - www.jaxnavalmuseum.org
The efforts to move the USS Barry Stern Plate to the Navy Training Center at Great Lakes IL for permanent display have been completed. Many thanks to donors through the Naval Order Foundation for your support of the Stern Plate project!
JU NROTC is home to the Bell from USS ShangriLa - see story at JU Wave OnLine
Volunteer to help us promote Naval History in Northeast Florida! We will be working on a History Essay Contest as our Naval History Day Contest is planned to start with the new school year; Historic markers at NS Mayport; Restoring the El Faro Memorial at the Dames Point Memorial Park; Establishing a History Trail for the city; Promoting History events ICW the Jax Historical Society and Museum of Science and History (MOSH); and providing Educational services onboard the Orleck and at our meetings!!! Call or e-mail if you’d like to help!
Contact ETCM(SW) John Craft at jrcraft@comcast.net or CAPT Ed Froelich at efroeh06@comcast.net
Our presentation by CAPT Michelle Lockwood, USN(Ret) Past Commander General Naval Order of the United States on the Topic: ‘Expand Your Carbon Footprint’
Press here to review or download the copy of the Presentation as it was not recorded
The late LCDR Ben Nichols, USN (Ret) presentation to the FFC Naval Order can be viewed here:
See recorded Discussion Here!
All Companions are invited to attend any and all Commandery events. Any questions email Bob Buehn or Bob Whitkop at nousfc@gmail.com
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