Ship's Store

To order, click the button below to Order Online and pay with credit card;
or Print Order Form and mail with a check payable to "Naval Order of U.S."

Please Note: Regalia are sold only to Companions of the Naval Order (Become A Companion today!)

CAPT Aaron Bresnahan, USN (Ret.)

Revised 1/10/2024

Shipping is $6 within USA, $15 international.


Some time before he died, acclaimed award winning artist Tom Freeman agreed to make his prints available to Companions of the Naval Order through our website. The late artist's organization has kindly agreed to continue this arrangement.

These prints of sailing ships, modern ships, planes and other images are magnificently done in color and detail. You will be proud to own them and pass along to the next generation. The best part is, by ordering these beautiful images through the Naval Order, you will save the shipping and packaging cost of $15.00.

The images shown here are just a very few of those available. To see Tom's entire gallery you should visit his website at When you have made a selection, simply send a check, payable to "Naval Order of U.S.", along with the item number of the print(s) you want, to CAPT Aaron Bresnahan, USN, (Ret.), 12160 NW 15TH COURT, CORAL SPRINGS, FL 33701. Your print will be shipped shortly thereafter directly from the Tom Freeman organization. Please check Tom's web site for actual print sizes.

Please Note: Regalia are sold only to Companions of the Naval Order (Become A Companion today!)


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