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Luncheon - 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War

  • San Francisco Italian Athletic Club 1630 Stockton Street San Francisco, CA, 94133 United States (map)

Speaker: LTC Alec Lange
Outreach Specialist, Office of the Secretary of Defense

Please join your fellow Companions for the Monthly Speaker Luncheon at the San Francisco Italian Athletic Club. As always, we will start with our Social Hour at 1100 with the Program beginning at noon. Discounted parking is available at the garage at 721 Filbert, just on the other side of Columbus Avenue.

We will be joined by LTC Alec Lange, Outreach Specialist of the United States of America 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War Committee of the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Alec will talk to us about the Vietnam War and the Committee on the occasion of their 50th and final commemorative year. As part of our luncheon Alec will present Vietnam Veteran 50th Anniversary Pins to all Vietnam Veterans present who have yet to receive one. He will also have some additional commemorative "bling." All Vietnam Veterans are invited to attend as guests.

Luncheon is $50 at the door. Any companion bringing guests or any companion not a regular attendee should let us know in advance so that we can ensure that sufficient meals are available. Any questions or special guests, please RSVP via mail:

The 50th Anniversary of Vietnam Commemoration will officially end this coming May. This luncheon will be one of the last official commemorative events. Please check the link below for further information on the Commemoration and contact info if you want to contact them directly.

$50 per person at the door

Social Hour 11:00 a.m. and Luncheon at 12:00 p.m., followed by our speaker/presentation. Secure at 13:30. Guests are welcome.


The Italian Athletic Club is on Washington Square at 1630 Stockton St. (between Filbert and Union and near Columbus and Powell), San Francisco. Validated parking is at the 721 Filbert Street. Garage.

Please Call IAC for information about validated parking, (415) 781-0165.

For those of you who are unable to attend our In-Person meeting at the Italian Athletic Club, you may use the Zoom link to participate in the meeting.

The Zoom link should be open by 11:30 a.m.

Meeting ID: 884 9463 0609
Passcode: 1776

Dial by your location

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        +1 470 250 9358 US (Atlanta)

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        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

        +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)

        +1 669 219 2599 US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 884 9463 0609
Passcode: 1776

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Later Event: April 8
Luncheon - TBA