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VIRTUAL Luncheon - National History Day Award Winner, Ella Parsons

National History Day contests are staged at the local, state and national levels for about 600,000 participants each year. Working as individuals or in groups, students in grades 4 through 12 conduct extensive research on a historical topic before submitting projects that can take the form of an original paper, a website, a poster, an exhibit, a performance or even a documentary. This year’s theme is “Breaking Barriers in History.”

We will be recognizing Ella Parsons for her Naval Order History Day Award. Thank you CAPT Tom Snyder for active participation and leadership in this program.

Attached is Ella’s paper. It’s captivating — Stephen Decatur. Invisible Ink. USS Intrepid. The Shores of Tripoli. How an infant Nation stood up to pirates through its Maritime Forces, opened up trade and built its Navy.  

2020 Special Award: Naval Order of the United States San Francisco Commandery Award for Outstanding National History Day Project in Maritime or Naval History

”The War of the Barbary Pirates: Breaking the Barrier to Mediterranean Trade in the Early Republic”

by Ella Parsons - Vista Heights Middle School, Moreno Valley USD

“I am now 14 and attend Valley View High School in Moreno Valley. I love to draw, read, and I can play multiple instruments including violin and ukulele. I have grown up with history and always found an interest in war and early American history. I have won multiple awards including an award for perfect score on English CAASPP test.”

*Invite a friend to this meeting.

We will meet again by ZOOM. Maj. Gene Redding will send out a separate invite shortly before the 11th with log in details.