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VIRTUAL Luncheon - The Battle of Leyte Gulf: The Untold Story (Part II)

Speaker: RADM Tom Andrews, USN (Ret.)

Recording of presentation via Zoom by RADM Tom Andrews, 13 July 2020
RADM Tom Andrews, USN (Ret.)

RADM Tom Andrews, USN (Ret.)

The Untold Story will be shared over the course of two months in June and July.  In June, RADM Andrews related his Dad’s story leading up to the Battle. He will tell his Dad’s story of the Battle off Samar Island in July.  Since its debut at the 2019 Congress in Boston, his presentation has been refreshed with new graphics provided to him by the author of The Defenders of Taffy 3, Byron Como, and will include some elements that he had to omit in Boston. 

We will meet again by ZOOM. Maj. Gene Redding will send out a separate invite shortly before the 13th with log in details.