Naval Order of the United States

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Commander’s Message

Located on the outskirts of the nation's capital, our commandery is in a unique position to commemorate naval history, not only through our own efforts but also in collaboration with other organizations that recognize the heritage of our sea services: the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Public Health Service, and Merchant Marine.  In addition to the Naval Order, many of our companions participate in and take leadership positions in organizations such as:

From the annual Battle of Midway Commemorative Dinner and the annual Pearl Harbor Commemorative Dinner to participation in the biannual McMullen National History Symposium and support to state history day competitions for high school and middle school students, our commandery fulfills the mission to preserve the nation's maritime history.

Our monthly meetings are open to all companions and guests. These meetings promote comradery among companions and assess the status of our sea service-related events and commandery projects.  We encourage our members to participate in these meetings and to become active in our programs and initiatives. If you are  interested in joining our commandery, I encourage you to contact our Vice Commander for Membership, Commander John Prevar, USN (Ret.) at 

Thank you.

Captain William F. Steagall Jr., USN (Ret), Past Commander

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"Monday Look-Ahead”

National Capital Commandery (NAT) Monthly Newsletter

Nationwide Quarterly Magazine

Nationwide Book Club (hosted by NAT)
If you have ideas for suggested books, we’d like to hear them.

Annual report of activities from 2019-2020.
Most activities have been curtailed due to COVID-19, but gives you an idea of what we hope to do when the Global Pandemic is behind us.



To preserve, promote, celebrate and enjoy our Nation’s Sea Service history and heritage. To accomplish this we will:  

  • Commemorate American Sea Service Heroes and important historical events

  • Support the study of Naval History through writing, speaking and educational events

  • Preserve historical artifacts, documents and monuments for all arms of the American Sea Service

  • Promote Camaraderie among our Companions and members of similar organizations

Contact email is Peter Pennington, Vice Commander Communications, via


  • Commander: Mr John H. Shanahan, NOAA Executive / USN Veteran

  • Vice Commander: MCPO David Mattingly, USN (Ret)

  • Vice Commander Communications: CAPT William Steagall, USN (Ret)

  • Vice Commander Membership: CDR Philip Puckett, USN (Ret)

  • Vice Commander for Programs: Vacant

  • Treasurer: CAPT John Rodgaard, USN (Ret)

  • Recorder: Dr. Judy Pearson, Ph.D.

  • Chaplain: Julius Jackson, Chief Steward, USMM (Ret)

  • Service Officer: CAPT Michael Kamin, USN (Ret)

  • Historian and Director, National History Day: CDR David Winkler, Ph.D., USN (Ret)

  • Special Events Officer: LCDR Stephen Baker, USN (Ret)


Master at Arms: Mr Peter Pennington, RN (Ret)

Vice Commander Mission Support, LCDR Ralph Day, USN (Ret)

Vice Commander Strategy, LCDR Richard Woodford, USN (Ret)

Companions to Council

  • RADM Donald Loren, USN (Ret)

  • RADM James Toole, USN (Ret)

  • CAPT Paul Crissy, USCG (Ret)

  • CAPT Dan Felger, USN (Ret)

  • CAPT Jay Gaul, USN (Ret)

  • CAPT Mileva Hartman, USN (Ret)

  • CAPT Michael Kamin, USN (Ret)

  • CAPT David Kaiser, USN (Ret)

  • CAPT Vance Morrison, USN (Ret)

  • CAPT Robert Sinclair, USN (Ret)

  • CAPT Charles Smith, USN (Ret)

  • CAPT William Steagall, USN (Ret) (Chair)

  • CDR John Hooper, USCG (Ret)

  • CDR William Joseph, MSC, USN (Ret)

  • CDR Lou Orsini, USN (Ret)

  • LCDR Steve Baker, JAG USN (Ret)

  • LCDR Jay Gaul, USN SC

  • LCDR Mike Zampella, USN

Past Commanders

  • CAPT William Steagall, USN (Ret)

  • CAPT John Rodgaard, USN (Ret) Immediate Past Commander

  • CAPT Paul Crissy, USCG (Ret)

  • CDR John D. Hooper, USCG (Ret)

  • CAPT David G. Kaiser, USN (Ret)

  • CDR Louis J. Orsini, USCG (Ret)

  • CAPT Vance H. Morrison, USN (Ret)

  • CDR Daniel G. Felger, USN (Ret)

  • CAPT James F. Brooke, III, USN (Ret.)

    Organizations akin to the Naval Order of the United States

  • Association of the US Navy -


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