Sunday, April 22, 2018
3:00 p.m.

Charleston, South Carolina

Plaque Commemorating Birthplace of Rear Admiral William Adger Moffett, U.S. Navy


65 St. Philip Street
Charleston, South Carolina
Located street-side of Maybank Hall, College of Charleston
Reception to follow in Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art
Additional Info: Bob Besal (843) 298-1223

Companions (l-r) Tom Brown, Bob Williams, and John Witty display the 115 lb. bronze marker commissioned by the Naval Order of the United States Charleston Commandery. The marker commemorates the birthplace of Rear Admiral William Adger Moffett, U.S. Navy. Moffett, a surface warfare officer and Medal of Honor recipient for his valorous night assault of Veracruz, served twelve years as the first Chief of the Bureau of Aeronautics, and is hailed as “The Architect of Naval Aviation.”

The Charleston Commandery will have an unveiling and dedication ceremony. All NOUS Companions are welcome to attend the event at 3:00 pm on Sunday, April 22, 2018. The site is 65 St. Philip Street in Charleston, South Carolina. The plaque will be mounted on the street-side of Maybank Hall of the College of Charleston, which now occupies the lot where the Moffett home was. A reception will follow directly across the street in the Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art. For additional information, please contact Bob Besal at (843) 298-1223.



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